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Renaissance of Biology

To develop a complete mind:
Study the science of art;
Study the art of Science.
Learn how to see.
Realize that everything
connects to everything else.
                                                                -Leonardo da vinci

Right after reading this quote, I understood that the conventional way of consuming knowledge is not sufficient. As the days passed, Our definition of knowledge has become blurred.We forget to incorporate what we've learned in our daily lives. Apart from that, I've analyzed some new trends such that people say that they are passionate about a particular subject but they fail to reach the ultimate end.This is because they forget to focus on training,the only bridge between your passion and your goal is the training.One more trend is that people are passionate and they really work hard but the way they learn things is not enough to put them on top. Biology is my core interest,We have been learning the same crap for years interesting though.I think learning stuff from Lodish, Lehninger , Watson will lay a foundation on the subject but we need some special element to revive or reinvent biology.

Sandwich analogy:-

This analogy is one such concept  we can relate to the "special element" which I have mentioned above. Bruce H Lipton the author of the book Biology of belief explains the concept of cell membrane in different manner.He focused primarily on understanding of structure and function.To illustrate the structure, He considered a bread and a butter sandwich.To refine the analogy He added olives to the treat. An easy experiment to show you how the "sandwich" membrane works. Make a bread-and-butter sandwich. Then, He poured a teaspoon of colored dye on top of sandwich. The dye seeps through the bread but stops when it gets to butter because the oily substance in the middle of the sandwich provides an effective barrier.

Now,Bread-Butter sandwich with stuffed and unstuffed olives. As soon as we add dye to the bread and slice the sandwich,we see a different result.When the dye hits a pimento-stuffed olive,it stops as surely as it stopped when it hit butter.But when the dye reaches an olive without pimento,the pitted olive provides channel through which the dye can flow freely across the middle of the sandwich,then through the bread to the plate.

The plate in this analogy represents the cell's membrane.By passing through the pimento-free olive,the dye penetrates the buttery layer to reach the other side of the membrane sandwich. The dye has successfully navigated the formidable,fatty membrane barrier!

The bread and butter portion of sandwich represents the membranes phospholipids,one of the two major chemical components of the membrane.Olives represents proteins/Ion channels.Phospholipids composed of both polar and non-polar molecules.

He relates everything to the present world.that's how i feel we can reinvent biology.This concept is well known to the biologists out there,but the idea of connecting the material world with Biology world is amazing!!!!!!!!     

Let's reinvent Biology.


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