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Showing posts from December, 2016

The Oscillations of life

Why human always tend to be perfect? In this society,we have framed an agenda on how society should look an individual. Frame-worked in such a way that others should only have positive opinion on us. Agree with the fact that we should be doing that to have healthy relationships in the society. When one undergoes the toughest phase of his life,why is the society ignoring them? I feel that when society ignores him he may undergo different emotions, this could be the main reason for creating aversion towards the society. Just talk to them, make them feel secure , create an environment in a such a way that divert his mind against aversion. Please never ignore them, because they make a beautiful life. What life means to me? Life is a combination of mixed feelings,thoughts.......... "Life is like a piano.White keys are happy moments and black keys are sad moments.But remember both are played together to give sweet music." This is one of my favourite quotes. I have the habit



Renaissance of Biology

To develop a complete mind: Study the science of art; Study the art of Science. Learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else.                                                                 -Leonardo da vinci Right after reading this quote, I understood that the conventional way of consuming knowledge is not sufficient. As the days passed, Our definition of knowledge has become blurred.We forget to incorporate what we've learned in our daily lives. Apart from that, I've analyzed some new trends such that people say that they are passionate about a particular subject but they fail to reach the ultimate end.This is because they forget to focus on training,the only bridge between your passion and your goal is the training.One more trend is that people are passionate and they really work hard but the way they learn things is not enough to put them on top. Biology is my core interest,We have been learning the same crap for years interesting